Air Traffic Controller Income Protection
Your income is probably your most important asset. It pays and funds your entire lifestyle from paying bills to putting food on the table. You may have a family who are dependent on your income so it is essential that you have protection in place. If you find yourself unable to go to work due to an accident, illness, or injury, it is important to prepare as to how your expenses and lifestyle will be covered with no income. If you set up an income protection plan with a finance company, you can be reassured in the event you become Ill and unable to work that your income loss will be covered. At PPS Financial, our qualified financial planners are always there to find you the best financial solutions. Request a quote today for premium air traffic controller income protection with PPS Financial.
What is Income Protection?
An income protection insurance plan will pay you an income on a regular basis, in the event you are not able to go to work as a result of a disability, illness, or an injury. It generally pays out a weekly payment is made which will cover your expenses. These payments will be paid continuously until you can return to work.
Your Income Matters
Air traffic controllers are important to the operation of airports across Ireland. Air traffic controllers work in both international and national airports, along with regional airports and private airstrips. Air Controllers have a high risk of claiming on income protection for a number of reasons.
Why You Need Income Protection Insurance?
If you find yourself unable to work and need an income to fulfill your lifestyle, then income protection insurance may be necessary. By setting up this policy, you are protecting and creating a financial safety net for you and your family.
Air traffic controller income protection works quite simply; if you have become Ill, injured, or are disabled, then you will qualify to receive an income protection payment. All payments will be based on your average salary. The income you receive will meet your financial obligations, not just giving you peace of mind but also financial security in the difficult times.
Do I Need Income Protection Insurance
If you work full-time or are self-employed and become unable to do your job, income protection insurance may be something to consider, especially if you have dependents. You may not be entitled to sick pay at work, or your benefits may be insufficient to cover your wage. Before purchasing income protection insurance, check with your employer to determine what benefits you and/or your dependents are eligible to.
How To Claim Income Protection Insurance?
To claim your Income Protection Insurance, you can contact your broker who will submit the claim back to your insurer. The insurer should contact you directly to confirm the claim and explain the claim process. The insurer will then assess your claim. They may contact your employer, your doctor, or other relevant parties to assist in their assessment.
The insurer will make a decision based on the information they have gathered. Your broker should review the decision in your best interest. Once the claim is complete, you will receive a monthly income in arrears.
How Much Does Air Traffic Controller Income Protection Insurance Cost?
Income Protection Insurance costs vary widely. This is due to a number of reasons. Your age, yearly income, occupation, portion of income protection, and number of weeks (4, 8, 13, 26, and 52 weeks) covered are all factors in the cost.
Here at PPS Financial Planning, we specialise in getting the best income protection insurance quote for our customers. Get in touch today!
Is Income Protection Worth it?
It depends on what losing your salary due to illness would imply in your situation. It could be a very valuable type of cover to have in place if it could cause you severe financial difficulty and you can’t live with that risk.
Why Choose PPS Financial Planning?
- Over 15 years of experience in financial services
- Covering both private and public sectors
- We pride ourselves on our commitment to providing a high quality and efficient service to all our clients.
- Everything we do is geared to bring you competitive quotes for income protection insurance together with exceptional customer service.